
In Denmark, water supply consumers have the right to receive water, and conversely the obligation to pay for the supply of water, while landowners who are connected to a sewage company are entitled to have their sewage dealt with.

Payment for water supply in Denmark

In Denmark, water supply consumers have the right to receive water, and conversely the obligation to pay for the supply of water. Payment is made according to approved charges and covers the expenses incurred by the water supply undertaking in extracting, treating, distributing and supplying water.

What does drinking water cover?

Drinking water covers all water for ordinary household use, i.e. cooking, personal hygiene, toilet flushing, laundry, etc.

Payment for drinking water and the relationship between the consumer and the water supply undertaking:

In the price charged for drinking water, water supply undertakings can include the expenses stipulated in the Water Supply Act. These expenses include inter alia necessary costs for the extraction and distribution of drinking water, administrative expenses and provisions for new investments. The price, also referred to as ‘the charge’, for water and for connection to the water supply network must be stated in the water supply undertaking’s list of charges.

All water supply undertakings must prepare a set of regulations which set out the relationship between the consumer and the water supply undertaking. The regulations must state the rights and obligations incumbent on the consumer and on the water supply undertaking, e.g. the right to receive water and the obligation to pay. The regulations also describe the services for which the consumer must pay.

Both the regulations and the list of charges must be approved by the municipal council and must be made available to the consumer on the company’s website.


The Water Supply Act §§ 52 a, 52 b, 53, 53 a and § 55, paragraphs 1-6.

Payment for sewage in Denmark

In Denmark, landowners who are connected to a sewage company are entitled to have their sewage dealt with. The payment covers the expenses that the sewage company incurs in transporting, treating or draining the sewage. The sewage company’s charges must be determined and approved in accordance with the Sewage Payment Act.

What does sewage cover?

‘Sewage’ means all water that is drained from residential properties, commercial enterprises, other buildings and paved areas.

Payment for sewage management and the relationship between the consumer and the sewage company:

Connected landowners must pay for the sewage services that they are entitled to receive. The sewage companies can include the expenses stipulated in the Sewage Payment Act. The general rule is that the companies can only include expenses which are necessary in order to construct, operate and maintain the sewage companies’ sewage installations. The size of the connection fee is, however, regulated in the Sewage Payment Act. All sewage companies must draw up a set of articles of association, which set out the detailed rules concerning the payment scheme. The articles of association must be approved by the municipal council. Both the articles of association and the list of charges for drainage payments and the fixed fee must be approved by the municipal council and must be made available to the consumer on the company’s home page.

Special charges for particularly polluted sewage:

For properties draining particularly polluted sewage to the sewage company, payment must be made for the special measures required to drain the particularly polluted sewage. The calculation of this is regulated by the Special Charges Order and is made for each individual property. The company has a right to request documentation of a number of conditions which are included in the calculation of the special charge.

Variable drainage charge:

Owners of properties where business is being conducted on commercial terms are entitled to register for the degressive payment structure (the stairway model). The stairway model reduces the cubic metre rate for the variable part of the drainage charge according to increasing water usage. Registration is made at www.virk.dk. It is a requirement that the legal person who is registered as the owner of the property has a valid Nem ID. The deadline for registering a property for the stairway model from the start of the year for the purpose of calculating the drainage charge is 15 September, with effect from the following 1 January and thereafter.


The Sewage Payment Act Order on the determination of the variable section of the drainage charge etc. Order on the special charge for particularly polluted sewage

Updated 01.03.2024
