Detained ships

The Danish Maritime Authority can detain a Danish ship if it does not have the right certificates, if the health and safety of the crew is jeopardized, or if there is a risk of pollution of the sea.

Ships detained by the DMA

Information about Danish ships that have been detained by the Danish Maritime Authority as well as about the ship owners that are responsible for the safety is available here (when a ship is released, it will be removed from the list):

Direct access to a list of all ships detained by the Danish Maritime Authority from 30 May 2016

Flag States have the right to control foreign ships in their ports to see whether all regulations are met. If that is not the case, the ship can be detained until the defects have been remedied.

Overview of detained ships

Foreign ships detained by the Danish Maritime Authority in Denmark (in Danish)

Danish ships detained abroad by foreign authorities (in Danish)

The flag States have concluded a cooperation agreement on common control systems - the so-called Memoranda of Understanding (MoU). Denmark takes part in the cooperation under Paris MoU.

The Danish Maritime Authority inspects at least 25 per cent of foreign ships calling at Danish ports annually.

Written by: Danish Maritime Authority Updated 26.02.2024
