
Showing 6 out of 6
  • Application for Certificate of Recognition

    As a ship owner or agent, you can read about the procedure for application of Certificate of Recognition.

  • Complaint about working and living conditions

    Each individual shipowner is responsible that the procedures used when dealing with complaints are reasonable, fast and efficient. The complaint procedure must be accessible for all seafarers on board the ship at all time.

  • Social security: Assistance with repatriation

    As a shipowner of Danish flagged vessels, you may be covered by the rules on social security and you may in particularly serious cases, be entitled to assictance in connection with repatriation or event of death.

  • Social security: Health insurance benefits

    As a shipowner of Danish flagged vessels, you may be covered by the rules on social security. You may be entitled to reimbursement of certain health insurance expenses in accordance with the Order on the special health insurance scheme for seafarers.

  • Social security: Maternity/paternity benefits

    As a shipowner of Danish flagged vessels, you may be covered by the rules on social security. You may be entitled to reimbursement of paid wages during maternity/paternity leave in accordance with Order on maternity/paternity benefits for seafarers.

  • Social security: Sickness benefits

    As a shipowner of Danish flagged vessels, you may be covered by the rules on social security. In this connection you may be entitled to reimbursement of paid sick wages i accordance with the Order on sickness benefits for seafarers.
