Product Rules Database

The Product Rules Database contains a broad range of Danish technical rules and regulations together with Danish implementations of EU-harmonised rules.

Note that any English translations provided of the Danish legislation are unofficial, and legal effect can solely be given to the original Danish texts.

Updated 26.02.2024
Showing 10 out of 94
  • Electric stand up scooters

    E-scooters (without a seat) has been allowed to be used in traffic in a pilot scheme setting up traffic rules and product related requirements. The pilot scheme is without an expiry date.

  • Act on Animal Welfare

    The Act on animal welfare establishes the rules on treatment of animals in Denmark. The Act encompasses all animals, both wild and domesticated.

  • Advertising and marketing medical devices

    Advertisement and marketing of all classes of medical devices must be adequate, factual and not mislead the end-consumer, as well as be in concordance with the manufacturers stated purpose.

  • Aerosol dispensers

    Aerosol dispensers must comply with the regulations set out in EU Directive 75/324/EEA, Act No 155 on the design of certain products, Order No 247 and the Act on products and market surveillance

  • Amusement park road trains

    Amusement park road trains shall be approved according to a number of requirements. The certificate shall state which trailers the train is approved for towing.

  • Antifouling paint containing biocides

    Antifouling paint containing biocides include products containing containing one or more active substances under assessment under the Biocides Regulation or, in some cases approved hereunder. The order limits their import, sale and use.

  • ATEX Products

    There are special requirements for equipment to be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere. This applies among other things to explosion protection, rules for control and labelling and instructions for use.

  • Bicycle Frames

    Manufacturers or importers of bicycle frames must engrave or otherwise apply to the frame a special code issued by the police to ensure the possibility of identifying bicycles and facilitate the recovery of stolen bicycles.

  • Bicycles

    Bicycles are allowed to be used in traffic if they fulfill the requirements set up in the legal order on the technical requirements (dimensions, lights, reflective devices etc).

  • Cableway Installations

    Cableway installations must comply with the rules in EU Regulation 2016/424 (except cableway installations that were put into use before 1 January 1986 and have not been significantly changed), Order 211 and the Act on Products and Market Surveillance.
