Mandatory Risk Assessment (APV)

The employer is responsible for ensuring that the company carries out a risk assessment (APV) and that the health and safety organisation participate in the process. The risk assessment is an important tool for systematic occupational health and safety work.

Requirements for risk assessments (APV)

The company must ensure that the risk assessment contains the following five elements that make up the phases of the risk assessment:

  • The employer is responsible for ensuring that all five phases are completed.

  • It is also the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the company's health and safety organisation are involved in the entire risk assessment process. In companies where there is no requirement for a health and safety organisation, employees must be involved.

  • The risk assessment must always be revised when changes in work affect health and safety, or as a minimum every three years.

  • The risk assessment is not only an obligation pursuant to regulation, but also an important tool for managing health and safety.

  • The risk assessment must be in writing and must be accessible at the workplace.

Read more:

Risk Assessment (APV), WEA Guideline

Risk assessment in the workplace (

Requirements for health and safety cooperation (

Updated 26.02.2024
