Health and Safety on Offshore Oil and Gas Installations

The Danish Working Environment Authority is the authority responsible for health and safety on offshore installations for exploration and production of oil and gas.

Applications for permits and approvals in connection with the exploration and production of oil and gas must be submitted to the Danish Working Environment Authority, which is the authority responsible for health and safety at offshore installations.

Approvals and permits of installations

Before an installation can start production of oil and gas, the operator must obtain a permit from the Danish Working Environment Authority. Production of oil and gas is generally carried out on fixed installations.

Extraction of oil and gas offshore requires drilling of wells using special equipment with the use of mobile offshore installations. Before a mobile installation, for example a rig or an accommodation platform, can begin operating offshore as part of an oil and gas activity, the installation must obtain a permit from the Danish Working Environment Authority.

Approvals and permits for offshore oil and gas installations (

Supervision of offshore oil and gas

The Danish Working Environment Authority supervises operations of offshore installations. Basically, there are two types of inspection: Operational inspections, which are routine inspections at installations, and special inspections, which have a specific focus area, e.g. to inspect accidents, near misses, gas leaks etc.

The operator or the owner of an installation is often notified in advance of inspection and can participate in the inspection via a representative from the company.

Supervision in connection with offshore oil and gas activities (

Updated 26.02.2024
