Trustee and estate administrator

As trustee and estate administrator, you can read about how you pay dividends and how LG reports in the estate.

What LG does

As trustee or estate administrator, you will receive LG’s initial claim once LG has approved a company with you as trustee or estate administrator. LG sends an email with the updated claims to the estate to you at least once per quarter. If we do not have your email addresses, we will send a letter by post.

How you pay dividends

You must pay dividends to LG’s account in Danske Bank: IBAN: DK 49 0216 4069 2013 26 SWIFT: DABADKKK In the subject field, state the company’s CVR no. and dividend.

The Danish Tax Agency’s dividend must be sent directly to the Danish Tax Agency.

Notify of special circumstances

Please contact LG if you have information about particular circumstances related to the company, as that may have an impact on how we process the case. You can contact us via email: Particular circumstances may include:

  • transfer of ownership of the company

  • close

  • employees who have worked for the estate

  • people in the management team that we should pay special attention to.

If you wish to pursue a legal claim, you are welcome to contact LG about any potential collateral for the case expenses.

Avoid double payments

It is important that you compare the employee’s claim in the estate with LG’s payment or rejection. In so doing, we avoid LG and the estate paying the same amount or that the estate pays claims that LG has rejected. If you disagree with LG’s payment or rejection of a claim, please contact us before the examination of claims so that we can discuss the claim and LG’s assessment.

What LG covers

LG can at most pay DKK 160,000 net to each employee. In addition, there is holiday pay and the free choice wage account balance. LG covers:

  • salary, holiday pay and pension for work that the employee has performed

  • salary, holiday pay and pension for the employee’s termination period

  • pension for earlier periods

  • payment for Sundays and public holidays

  • supplements (company car/phone, bonus, free choice wage account, piecework profits, etc.)

LG does not cover:

  • Mileage allowance, subsistence allowance and entertainment expenses

  • Costs which the employee’s employer should have refunded

  • compensation for lack of employment certificate

  • charges and fees when submitting a bankruptcy declaration

  • G-days (first to third day of unemployment)

  • agreed damages in relation to a competition clause.

Guidelines for what LG covers in the event of bankruptcy, cessation or death (in Danish) (PDF)

How LG processes the claim

The employee must report and document his/her claim to LG. The employee or his/her representative reports claims to LG by filling out the claims form on The employee signs a solemn declaration.

The employee's documentation

LG only covers the claims that we have documentation for. If we do not have documentation, we will ask for an explanation from the employee. When we receive the information we have asked for, we will process the case again. The reported claims are assessed based on applicable collective agreements and laws, including the Danish LG Act, The Danish Bankruptcy Act, The Danish Transfer of Companies Act (Virksomhedsoverdragelsesloven) and The Danish Salaried Employees Act. LG contacts the estate if we need to discuss a reported claim.

Claims in the estate

LG can refer privileged claims to be examined by the estate.

LG can at most pay net DKK 160,000. In addition, there is holiday pay and the free choice wage account balance. If the claim is higher than this, we will direct the employee to also report his/her claim to the estate.

LG can also direct claims to be examined by the estate if we do not receive the required documentation. This also applies in situations where the employer does not agree with an employee’s claim.

If the claim is approved by the estate, the employee must contact LG no later than four weeks after the estate’s approval has been received.

Legislation etc.

Here you can find information on legislation, how to complain and read about how we process personal data.

Legal guidance

How to complain

If you are not satisfied with how you have been treated, you are welcome to contact LG.

How we process personal data

In the following, you can learn more about what data Lønmodtagernes Garantifond processes, how we process the data and your rights in that connection.

Read more about the processing of your personal data

Updated 26.02.2024
