As an employer in Denmark, you must pay your employees holiday pay.

It makes no difference whether your employees work full-time or part-time, or whether this is their main work, a second job, or carried out as casual work.

Most used self-service

Payments and reports to FerieKonto

In this self-service you can see an overview of your payments and reports to FerieKonto from the Danish Tax Agency (E-income). See also your unique payment line that you must use when transferring holiday pay.

View applications on the payment of holiday pay in Feriepengeinfo

For those of you who need to pay out holiday pay: In this self-service you can see your employees’ applications for holiday pay that you must pay out.

View account balances in Feriepengeinfo for the paying party

In this self-service you can see how much holiday pay an employee has accrued and how much holiday pay is still available. You can use the information to reconcile your own data with the data in Feriepengeinfo.


How to calculate holiday pay

Read here how you calculate paid holidays for salaried employees paid on a monthly basis and employees paid by the hour.


How and when to report and pay

Read here how you report and pay holiday pay for salaried employees paid on a monthly basis and employees paid by the hour.

Reporting and payment
